Friday, March 18, 2005

me likes... You may all pertinently ask: but why if it is so intensely scented and so opaquely brrrrrownish????

Well coffee is primarily a bean. And beans are cute. You can put'em in your ears and use'em as a sleep certifier during classes; you can pull'em up both your nostrils and get the whole family to think you're attempting suicide by suffocating to death (even though you know deep inside you can always count on your mouth for any last minute intake of air... it's good to know it's there); and! you can shove'em up your ass and get your mom to believe that it wasn't such a good idea to get laid with that male goat 20 years ago ("Damn!!... but it had such a sweeeet ass!").

In a second stage coffee is profaned, because it is sold as a dirrty mixture of coffee and barley (which diminishes by far its value and effect... tsk tsk). Well it's most coffee beans' final destination (only a few lucky ones can make it all the way to your rectum...). And it's sad. Well, it's still not enough good a reason for me to stop drinkin it.

Altogether coffee is nice. I think abouth it every second. And I see it everyday... in the face of every goat... in the smile af every rabbit. And it feels warm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

snif... i don't have one.
