Monday, November 15, 2004

dumb's biography

In the beginning I was massive amount of matter crushed into a particle just about the size of a pinhead. Then there was a Big Bang. You know the rest of it.

I'm still a dumbass pinhead though.

Wanna clear a couple of things up: Stoopid was not the driving force of my creation, I refuse to relate myself to him!! NEVER, YOU HEAR ME?!! Secondly I AM THE ALPHA MALE!!! If you wanna argue about it bring it on! i can take you!

*Dumb, the ALPHA MALE (don't listen to Stoopid, the doctors told us not to
contradict him), aka èlçia *

Yeah right, of course you can! We'll discuss it tonight. Your turn to stay on the bottom though. As for me not being the driving force of her creation, well you know kids and their denial states right? She'll grow over it. Either that or it'll be beaten out of her. Worst part really is that she might enjoy the second alternative! She's crazy that one, demented I tell you. But then again, who isn't? ;D

*Stoopid, THE Alpha-Male, Nill, wet willie applyer*

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