Wednesday, November 17, 2004

"uh yeah baby, give it to me! hard and steady!!"

No! It wasn’t me!! Nor Fuck, believe it or not!! Actually when you’re sitting home in your cosy little living room watching TV the last thing you expect to see once you turn to channel Odyssey is uncensored porn involving seven (or so) male individuals and an empty bottle of beer… yeap! I and Fuck were both astonished for we had never seen something so cruel… poor empty bottle of beer…! It was inhuman just as well, since the male individuals who were performing the act, were… yellow beetles!!! Fortunately we discovered the reason why they were crazed about that huge yellow HOTTT (!) beer bottle. Well, the thing is, the female yellow beetle is several times bigger than the males and, you know what they say! The bigger the better!! Since the males are so little, I believe there’s no such thing as a faggot beetle (I know, I know, this was an unnecessary comment BUT I HAD TO LET IT OUT!!).

Are you a beer bottle? Are you being sexually harassed by a bunch of jumpy horny beetles?... enjoy! You go girl!

Are you an old bottle? Do you not feel sexy anymore? Are you in need of a good humpin'... call us! Fuck will be glad to do the humpin' (can't say if it's good or not, never tried it, never wanted to try it!).

Having said that, I now think that someone should come up with a line of sexy lingerie designed for beer bottles! All in yellow, of course!

I think we can count this one as one point against recycling… there had to be something!

(Even though I’m amongst the most intelligent, clever, witty and so on and so forth people of the planet *hahahahaha!!!*, I must say I can’t state a plausible explanation for the fact that they were trying to stick it in the bottom of the bottle – as you’re well aware of, the hole’s on the other end. ARE THERE SUCH THINGS AS BLONDE BEETLES?? Duh!)


*Dumb, THE INIMITABLE ALPHA-MALE (aka the human forehead)*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, there is at least one blonde beetle. rita skeeter.
